leo.genin_375's picture

Genin Léo

Associate Manager - Energy & Climate Engineer, I Care & Consult

Urban Greenhouse Gas Inventory Specialist

I am a project manager at I Care & Consult. I carried out a wide variety of tasks related to energy efficiency, energy production, climate change mitigation and adaptation. I have a strong expertise of international projects, and I worked in more than 20 countries, including Technical cooperation regarding clilmate change mitigation and adaptation with the French Development Agency in Brazil and Turkey (on-going projects).
I also worked extensively on GHG inventory issues for companies, public institutions and local authorities using methods such as the GPC Protocol, GHG Protocol, the Sustainable Energy Action Plan and the Bilan Carbone. I recently carried out a GPC Protocol for Istanbul metropolitan city within the C40 Technical Assistance in Europe. Additionnaly, I recently carried out Sustainable Energy Action Plans for 3 Morrocan cities (Agadir, Oujda and Benslimane) as part of their engagement within the Covenant of Mayors’ framework. I also facilitated several workshops during this project with city officials, technical staff and various local players.
I also contributed to the GHG inventory of the Kef Governorate in Tunisia, using the French Bilan Carbone methodology (addressing complex issues on embodied emissions, agriculture, IPPU and AFOLU sources).
In addition, I worked in 2015 on two international benchmark studies (one for ADEME, one for AFD) on territorial energy and climate planning methodologies and on the success factors for climate-related strategies in cities. As part of this work, I gained an in-depth understanding of the various climate initiatives and methods at city level (European Energy Awards, ICLEI, SEAP, Climate Compass…).
More generally, I carried out GHG inventories for various clients, including the private sector and the public sector.
I graduated from Centrale Nantes in environmental engineering and holds a Double degree from the UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

69 Rue Moncey
69003 LYON
I Care & Consult
Associate Manager - Energy & Climate Engineer
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